Welcome to Pedal Dive with Hello Sailor Joe, your bi-weekly live stream and podcast dedicated to everything guitar effects pedal and DIY guitar effects pedals. Join Joe as he explores his unique guitar effects pedal builds, reviews top mod kits, and delves into the world of boutique guitar pedals.

In each episode, Joe guides you through DIY guitar pedal kits, shares detailed schematics, and provides tips on building your own guitar pedals and DIY stompbox projects. Whether you’re looking to modify your current pedals, start from scratch, or simply change the aesthetic of your guitar effects, this podcast is your ultimate guide.

Interact with Joe and special guests from the guitar effects pedal community during our live stream podcast. Our guests, including top builders and designers, will discuss their design choices, the unique components of their pedals, and the stories behind their creations. This is your chance to ask questions and gain insights directly from the experts.

Don’t miss out on exclusive content and live interactions. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and join us live to be part of the conversation!

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If you’re already a fan of The Guitar Knobs Podcast, you’ll appreciate how much it has promoted small builders in our community. Here at Pedal Dive, we aim to pick up where The Knobs leave off. You’ll love our deep dives into the specifics of pedal building and modification. Tune in, learn, and become part of our growing community of DIY pedal enthusiasts!

Podcast Episode