Pedal Dive with Hello Sailor Joe – Episode 1

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Pedal Dive with Hello Sailor Joe! In this debut live stream podcast, Joe kicks things off solo, setting the stage for what promises to be an exciting journey into the world of guitar effects pedals and DIY builds.

Joe welcomes you to the show, sharing his passion for guitar effects pedals and his vision for the podcast.

We want to hear from you! What topics are you most interested in? Which guests would you love to see on future episodes? Your input will shape the direction of the show.

Deep Dive Discussion: Joe explores the fascinating topic of upgrading cheap Chinese-built pedals with expensive, mojo, vintage, and boutique components. Do these high-end parts really make a difference, or is it all in our heads? Join the discussion and share your thoughts!

Tune in live to be part of the conversation, ask questions, and connect with fellow pedal enthusiasts. Don’t miss this chance to shape the future of Pedal Dive and dive deep into the intricate world of guitar effects pedals!

Date: Monday 29 July, 21:00

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Be part of our growing community and join us for the first episode of Pedal Dive with Hello Sailor Joe. Let’s dive in and make some noise!

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